Elastic Energy Fundamentals Serve Course Now 50% Off

Learn My 3 Pillars to Fluid Serving
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Is your serve still a big mystery? Have you tried lessons, online tips, and online courses but still no luck?

It’s definitely possible to play as well in a match as you do in practice. I’m sure you’ve seen other players that can perform under pressure just like they perform in practice at your club or local courts.

What makes them so special?

One major aspect, that may be holding you back, is the fear of missing shots. Fear leads to tension and tension leads to a swing that has too many stops and starts. The human body can be moved in a very fluid way without tension. It all begins with knowing where to start and how to let go.

3 Serve Pillars

1. Balance

2. Elastic Rhythm 

3. Looseness

Elastic Serve Energy course by Gene Molina

I’ve learned that without these 3 pillars, we cannot serve as well as we want to. With junior students I’ve actually found that they learn best focusing only on larger body movements and fluidity techniques. In other words, they don’t need to think about every little piece of everything they are learning. We are constantly looking for short cuts to success yet tend to over analyze them when we think we’ve found these so called “short cuts”, “tips” or “secrets” to getting ahead. If we try to learn from someone who has already learned how to do something we want to learn, we need to trust them, and believe in what they are telling us to try. We need to explore their teachings with an open mind- as an open mind is the only way to learn. Be patient as you learn and attempt the following methods, as I’ve found that when you open your mind almost anything is possible.

Read on or skip to the bottom for the price and link to the course!

I’m very excited to present my take on the first serve and kick/topspin serve and hope you will find what you have been looking for.

Please sign up for my class room on Thinkific for free, to get access to my 3 free videos from the course. 

Explanation of Movement

Simplicity, this is what every fluid movement of the human body should be about. Simple fluid movements of the human body cannot be mastered by focusing on smaller movements that should be happening naturally. Using bigger movements of the human body is how to master simple fluid movements that are needed to create speed and momentum. Knowing the correct sequence in which the body should move will lead to fluidity.

Movement comes from our muscles. We have smaller muscles and bigger muscles. The smaller muscles should be used for more precise movements that need intricate skills that do not produce speed and momentum. The bigger muscles should be used for more powerful movements that are needed to create speed and momentum. The bigger muscles move in a certain way to create speed but only if you can get them to move in a sequential way. The smaller muscles are passengers along for the ride. If the smaller muscles get involved it breaks the sequence of fluidity, when the bigger muscles are used correctly, and speed is lost.

In this course, I try to show you certain movements that should lead to more fluidity in your serve. I break it down into parts that, when combined correctly, should lead to fluidity. The movements can also be used by themselves which should still lead to more fluidity and speed.


“Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”


This phrase should sum it up very simply. Smooth movements always lead to speed and momentum. Rushing a movement leads to muscle tension and loss of speed and control.

We may think we need to use muscles to swing at a tennis ball but we are putting too much effort when we access muscles that should not be used. We need to learn to use bigger more explosive muscle groups to stretch the smaller muscle groups with elastic energy.

Elastic energy is the use of the muscle’s flexibility instead of its muscular energy. Think of it as stretching a rubber band and releasing it as soon as it was stretched. Elastic energy in the muscles cannot be stored for long, it needs to be released right away. This is one major reason why you will feel like you have more time to swing if you learn how to use your elastic energy correctly. “Get your racket back early”, is a phrase you will never hear from me, ever. Time is on your side when you use elastic energy. The feeling of having more time when under a stressful situation is what all tennis players are trying to achieve. This feeling is what is known as being in the zone, or flow state. I can guarantee that if you learn how to use your elastic energy, you can find your flow state much faster and more often than typical tense players.

I started out on this path to fluidity because I was a very tense tennis player myself. I love playing tennis but it can be frustrating at times because you feel like you can practice so well and then under match pressure it all crumbles into poking and jabbing at the ball rather than swinging. As you may have already experienced, tension also leads to injury. After a small amount of tennis elbow, I knew there had to be a healthier way to play tennis. I looked for instruction online and found that it was lacking in what I needed until I found a coach talking about looseness. The problem was there was no explanation about how to stay loose. The coach just said to be loose. 

Challenge accepted!


The serve was the first stroke that I discovered looseness can be achieved. It’s ironic that in order to hit a tennis ball well, you have to swing at it and let go of all tension. Until I discovered this, I was always held back by the fear of missing and could never truly unleash my potential as a tennis player. As of now, I’m still working on my game and becoming more fearless in match play to go for my shots. This process has been much more difficult than I thought it would be. Trying to discover this new type of game style is very challenging but the rewards far out weigh the challenges, and I’m enjoying the process.

I’m very proud to present, to any tennis player that trusts in my ability to teach them about elastic energy, my elastic energy serve fundamentals course! It’s been in the making for a while and I believe I have put together the best elastic energy fundamental movements that can be practiced by tennis players to have the serve they’ve always wanted.

I’m a terrible salesman, I’ll just stick to coaching.

Don’t expect any special marketing gimmicks, special effects or Oscar award winning performances in these videos. Do expect great information on learning where the elastic energy pieces are in your serve. I’m here to teach tennis, not figure out the best way to make you buy my course. If you trust that I may have some information you may find valuable then you will, hopefully, buy the course. The marketing gimmicks to create scarcity and the adding of bonus materials to entice you to buy the course don’t make sense to me either. These online courses can be hosted on a site for a very long time. Why do some online coaches only make it available to purchase for only a few days? Bonus materials… If the course information is good, then there should be no need for bonus materials.

I want to keep things simple in how I teach tennis and how I market myself. Below is my simple offer.

Elastic Energy Fundamentals Serve Course

Price: $50

30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.

Please sign up for my class room on Thinkific for free, to get access to my 3 free videos from the course.

I’m going against the marketing price gimmicks as well. I simply know that the information you are learning in this course would take us at least an hour to go over if you can perform everything correctly on the first few tries and feel you can repeat it. This normally does not happen but I’ve had a few students, that had enough foundations in their serve, that could do these movements very well the first time and feel the difference right away.

The course has just over 2 hours of video content for you to explore.

The platform that I used to present the course to you is very simple and easy to use. I’ve also added survey questions that you can answer but are optional. One other feature is the discussion feature. It will give you access to me at all times. If you have questions about any particular part of the course you can ask them on the discussion part of the course. I’ll be available to you guys every step of the way for as long as you need me.

3 Free Videos In My Class Room

Please sign up for free in my Thinkific class room to get access the my 3 free videos from the course. Signing up is free with no obligation to buy. Take a look at what I have to show you and hopefully you’ll be convinced that there is a better way to learn how to serve and that elastic energy is the way to go. 

I go over the flat first serve movements as well as the kick/topspin movements for the second serve. I break down the serve movements into 5 parts that I feel are the elastic energy fundamentals everyone should know about.

These parts are:

  1. Internal and External Rotation of the Shoulder

  2. Core Rotation

  3. Legs/Ground Force (a.k.a. Slapping the Dragon. It’s a short analogy in the video)

  4. Obliques/Non Dominant Side of the Body

  5. Toss

These segments should be taken one step at a time. Try them all and see which one best helps you feel more fluidity in your serve. Once you pick the piece or pieces that you feel the most comfortable with, you should be able to practice them with the confidence to swing away and make them become a part of you. I can’t be sure how long it may take to master each piece but I’m very sure that everyone will be able to master at least one, if not all of these pieces in a short time depending on the amount of time you can spend on them. 

Now it’s up to you to decide whether you want to explore what I have to say about the serve and understanding what elastic energy is within it. As for my serve, I consider it my best completely loose shot. My serve is the stroke that I’m trying to model all my other strokes after. If I can find the same looseness, elastic rhythm and balance on all my other strokes, I’ll be a very happy tennis player. I just want to share my passion with other tennis players and hopefully help them on their journey as well.


Good luck and stay loose!

Elastic Energy Fundamentals Serve Course

Price: $50

30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.

Please sign up for my class room on Thinkific for free, to get access to my 3 free videos from the course.