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Serve Stretch Video #3, Toes

Serve Stretch Video #3, Toes

In this video we learn about the toes and what they can do for your serve. While getting on your toes, you stretch your quads. The stretching of the quads will increase the speed of your upward momentum on the serve. Upward momentum is what we want to achieve on the...

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Serve Quiz #1

Serve Quiz #1

Let's have some fun! Here's a video that I'm testing out. I'm not sure how this will go but let's give it a shot. You be the coach! In this video I will show you 2 different swings. You get to figure out what the difference is. Good luck and stay loose!

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Serve Stretch Video #2, Core Stretch

Serve Stretch Video #2, Core Stretch

In the serve stretch video #2, core stretch, we try to learn how it feels to use the core to generate effortless power on the serve. Using your core will hopefully lead to an easy way to gain more power without straining any muscles. Give it a try and let me know how...

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Hello, I’m Gene

Gene I'm a professional tennis instructor with years of experience. My goal is to teach you how to play tennis the natural way by keeping your mind calm and letting your body do the work.

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